Etsy was the first ecommerce platform I learned to use and one of the features I love about Etsy is that through their IOS app I can chat directly with customers. This feature makes it super convenient for me to quickly answer customer’s questions and when I started creating my ecommerce website Melonkiss I wanted something similar.
How to Collect Emails from Etsy 2023
It’s no secret that email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach and engage your target audience. And if you’re looking to get more sales on Etsy, email marketing is one of the fastest ways to increase revenue. Fortunately, there are a few simple methods you can use to start building your … Read more
What is and why am I getting traffic from it on my etsy shop
I was sitting at my kitchen table stuffing cardboard pizza into my mouth looking at the traffic of my Etsy shop. Pretty normal day, but there was something weird. My roommate got home. I said what up and did my dishes. Went back to my screen.