How to Advertise a Church on Facebook

The best way to advertise your church on Facebook is to target people with an interest in your religion who are close to where you live. Doing this is super easy.

Before you start, you’ll need:

  1. Create a Facebook Page
  2. Create a Facebook Ads Account
  3. Create a Website to Send Your Ads To
  4. Film a Video Ad
  5. Create A Facebook Ad

How to Create a Facebook Church Page

To create a Facebook church page go to –

You’ll need a Facebook account to create a Facebook page. Name the Facebook page the brand you’re trying to grow. If you need to build a logo, header image or other design elements for the page use

If you want further details, go to the following link –

Create a Facebook Ads Account for Your Church

To create a Facebook Ads Account go to the following link –

You’ll need a credit or debit card to set up the account. You are only billed for the ads that you run. Specifically you are billed for when people click the ads and go to your website.

Film a Video Ad for Your Church

This video will be used for the Facebook ad. Video ads typically get the cheapest cost per click on Facebook. A video introducing your paster, showing your space, and talking about why you exist are what you need.

Your video ad should include:

  • Intro to who you are
  • Why you’re different
  • What services you offer
  • A call to action to learn more on your website

By creating a script hitting these core points you will inform people of why your church is where they should recharge spiritually.

How to Target Religious People on Facebook

You can target people with an interest in your specific religion.

Before you begin you need to create an advertising budget. Whatever your church makes in tithe a month, put 3% of that into your ad budget.

You’ll then take your video you just filmed and create the ad. You’ll link out to the website you made where people have options to contact you.

how to advertise a church on facebook cody schneider

