Maximizing Your B2B Marketing Strategy with Specialized Content Creators: Insights from a Successful b2b TikTok Experiment

My friend who owns a B2B SaaS company hired a person for $5K per month to run his brands TikTok. So far she’s created 375K views for $15K and a ROAS or 3x. Here’s insights from this experiment he’s been running.

The Larger Trend

The larger trend I’m seeing is brands starting to realize that having creators who are specialists for each channel creates more impact.

These creators are experts in their channel, own this channel entirely, and create consistency and trust because the information is coming from the same person over and over again.

Contrast this with hiring different UGC models and having them do content. It doesn’t feel like what is naturally happening on the platforms so it isn’t as impactful.

Like imagine if your favorite YouTuber, Tiktoker, or podcast host just switched every upload or episode. Like it would feel strange.

And that is why people are starting to hire these companies internally.

These specialists are also measured by the growth of the channel, rather than consistently posting to no one like many social media managers.

When doing b2b marketing I challenge you to mimic what is naturally happening on channels and do a version that serves your business goals.

So in the 2023 you’re going to see more companies hiring for job titles of “YouTuber”, “TikToker”, “Podcaster” and more…


Here are the major insights from this conversation

💡This consistency builds trust

Seeing the same face over and over builds trust. They keep providing insight and when they pop up in your feed it makes you more likely to click. The more you see them keep providing value, the less the ask is when they want to buy.

💡The content needs to be native

The content has to be created specifically for the channel. Every channel has different nuances, and a one size fits all approach will make less impact than a tailored version.

💡Needs to be a personality

My friend tested generic content that was focusing on his product (no face) and content that had his Tiktoker included. Guess which won? Videos with the person included go viral 10x more.

💡Focus on storytelling

The best performing videos always told a story where the product was included in the journey, rather than the journey being about the product. This is a really nuanced but important detail and a classic content mistake. Focus on the goals people are trying to accomplish, and how the product is an essential tool to get them there.

💡Create a dedicated link for signups

Creating a referral link for each channel is super easy way to measure ROI on hiring these people. Combine this with a required form field for “how did you hear about us?” and you’ll have enough data to prove the value.

💡80 / 20 content rule

63% of impressions from this organic strategy have come from 20% of posts. It’s a numbers game. Post more, see what works, post more about the things that are working and less about the things that aren’t.

💡This is an owned media strategy

The followers that his company has gained on the channel create a direct line of coms for the brand. It is creating a marketing moat and diversifying the companies marketing bets.

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I’m looking for b2b marketing stories, data, or insights. If you have any of these reach out I’d love to chat with you and learn more!

