Real Estate Digital Marketing with Facebook Ads, kvCORE and Remarketing

In the fall of 2019, I helped a real estate client get $5 residential leads by driving home buyer ready traffic to a kvCORE site. Below is a screenshot showing the leads per month that were created from my team’s efforts.

real estate digital marketing cody schneider

Below is a screenshot of Facebook ad spend during that same time period.

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This real estate marketing digital marketing case study document how I did it.

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Facebook Ads Targeting for Real Estate

The most common mistake I see real estate agents make is poor targeting. Below is a screenshot of the specific targeting that led to my client’s success.

Our segmentation was simple. Our aim was to target people who were looking to purchase a home at present, so we targeted those with interests in residential homes related websites – think Zillow, Redfin etc. I’ve included a screenshot of some of the interests below.

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Next we chose to target people on Mobile and only those who use the Facebook app. The reasoning behind this is that people on mobile are more likely to click the “Sign in with Facebook” button that kvCORE has built into the program as a popup.

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This is basically a contact info wall that doesn’t allow the user to view the property until they share information. We found that nearly 10% of all people would sign into Facebook on mobile. Insane.

Facebook Ads for Real Estate

For our ads, we would run a set of 7 different ads every month that promoted different popular properties. Of these 7 ads, 1 – 2 of them would be way more cost-effective in attaining clicks. In response to this, we switch off all the low performing ads after three days to send all traffic to the higher-performing ones.

The ads had features of the house in the copy, were carousel ads and always had a learn more CTA. A screenshot of an example is below.

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Nurturing Cold Leads

The leads we got from these campaigns were cold leads, so we nurtured the relationships with an email nurture campaign. In email one we introduced ourself, in email 2 we sent them neighborhood information from our website to read about. In email 3 we sent out content on the fastest-growing house prices in the area.

This email nurture process familiarized potential clients with us as a useful and trustworthy resource related to real estate buying and about 10% of them would reach out to us at around email 4.

The other way we nurtured these leads was by remarketing selfie video ads to people who provided us with their contact information. The goal was to promote familiarity with the faces behind the service, leading to a formation of trust between our company as residential experts, and the potential client. These ads we refreshed monthly as well. We found that simple 30-second videos had the best click through rates.

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